Sunday, February 1, 2015

Easiest trick to optimize your site Rank 1 in Google

Nowadays most of us have a lovely Blog or Website because this is a simple task to earn money. But earning is not possible without enough visitors and most of us are in a drought of visitors. Our lovely Website is valueless without visitors and we work hard to increase visitors. We need to set our Website Rank-1 in Google Page Rank and this process is called SEO though this is not an easy task. SEO is the kinds of two.
Page Rank 1

01. On Page SEO:

On Page SEO is a working on the site. Although your site show in rank Google first page, it is only not a way to get the first rank in Google.

02: Off Page SEO:

Off Page SEO is a working in site on the outsides. Only it method apply you not get in first rank in Google.

Read Also:10 points that you have to keep in mind while planning title or content for marketing

On Page SEO and Off Page SEO its two methods together apply In consequence of can or get in Google First Page Rank. Without On Page SEO & Off Page SEO, No others ways to get top Rank in Google or every Search Engines.

Some Brilliant tricks for SEO!

Let’s see the tricks:

With low competitive Keyword ( the search title by which people can search your website in (Google) you can set your Website Rank-1 in Google and you need to follow some steps for this.

 On Page SEO

Point-1: Articles details

Your article should include 500+ words because it makes the process easier. Without 500+ word you do not increase in Google 1 Rank. Your article should be unique and no grammatical mistake.

Point-2: Description of Keywords

Your main Keyword should exist in the Title, Description, Meta tag, Body etc. of your Article. Remember that you shouldn’t use your Keyword twice in Title, Description, Meta tag, Body etc. cause it leads to spamming.

Point-3: Must use Pictures

You should use Picture with your Article and it should also include your targeted Keyword in Title, Description and Alt tag.

Point-4: Body Density

Try to keep Key Word density 2-3% in the Article Body. You are On Page SEO is done.

Off Page SEO

Point-5: Submit your site

Submit/index Link manually going to Google Webmaster tool. It is a quick way to index your link or post.

Point-6: Share your post on social sites

Share the Link on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube etc. as much as you can. Regularly many of visitor visit social sites. So, for a new site, give good traffic social sites.

Point-7: Comment other sites with link

Search on Google for your main Keyword and comment where your Article has good Ranking. (See the rule for comment)

Point-8: Upload Unique Videos of Your Blog

Make a video of 1 minute (article related) and upload it to YouTube, Vimeo, DailyMotion etc. Include your Link to your video description. You can use Powerpoint Side and Screen recorder to make this video.                                                                                                                          

Point-9: Bookmarks you site High PR sites

Submit your Link to High PR Social Bookmarking sites. Its result your site gets good ranking.

Point-10: Share your Site of Image

Share the Article picture on Image sharing sites like Pinterest and use your article Link as the source.

Your Off Page SEO also was done!

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