Friday, March 14, 2014

Computer whizz kid eyes record book

key word : whizz, master(v), compute, computer-nerd, passion, monitor,database,claim, website, evidence, emigrate, gifted A six-years-old boy from Bangladesh is hoping to become the world youngest computer expert. Easik Farhan-Roopkotha turned six in January 2012. He is hoping his skill will be recognized by Microsoft and Guinness World Records. Wasik started to show a talent for computers inch early childhood. Before the age of four, he mastered playing video games and typing in Microsoft Word. His mother Cynthia Farhan-Risha said' " I knew he was very different since his birth. I couldn't believe my eyes when he began compeering as a seven month old child. At his local primary school, Wasik was above the average level. So his parents decide that he should be taught at home. According to his mother, Wasik's English is still limited. However,he has a few Words to say in Bengali. "I really enjoy playing on the computer and learning new skills," Wasik told the BBC. "My ambition is to be a computer expert at a big computer firm in the future." Wasik is a computer-nerd. But he still enjoys mixing with other children, playing football and listening to music. However, computers are his main passion. Farhan-Risha hopes that Wasik will be mentioned in Guinness World Records. They have not yet listen anyone as the youngest computer programmer in the world. Guinness World Records said, "We do not monitor such a record our database at this moment. But Wasik's family is welcome to make a claim on our Website."(adapted from The Daily Star) News! News! News! (2) 'I eat rich every day. I play cricket. I don't bunk of school, blah...blah...blah...'These are comment events.They happen every day or on some occasions. Are these events news? Should they be published in newspapers? The answer is big 'NO'. Then what is news anyway? What do we want to know from the media? 'What a dog bites a man that is not news, but when a man bites a dog that is news,' saya Charles Anderson Dana. The first thing is that the news should be a piece of information. Secondly, the information should be recent or new, and hence it is 'news'. Thirdly, mass people should take interest in it. Fourthly, it should be half-explained. That is, should answer all the question with who, which, what, where, when, why, and how. Finally, or broadcast or on the internet. There are opinions that the term 'news' comes from 'new'. Other say is is news because is comes from all directions: North, East, West and South.

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