Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Freelancing Career The updated Information, do not Miss to Read it

The full world Technology is going forward too so one time at a rapid pace that our dream would like to think so whether the adult reality.

This technological development is happiness around the world as our country like us agriculture and industry, trade, education, including medical care, our professional development for all stage. Already following a revolutionary change in our country IT sector in particular outsourcing and services issuing country as our grades our freelancers going to go ahead too rapidly. BASIS is one of the data Studies report Bangladesh In the 2013 year The ICT sector has been exported around the Nor is 100 million dollars And like Elance, oDesk Popular Marketplace Have income from more than 22 Million dollars. Bangladesh talented of young freelancers Kind Freelancing Marketplace Work in their Job wresting as income per hour is approximately 3 and up to 30 dollars Thus Going to lead us Country.

IT sector in the world countries Present Conditions:

lauding One The survey showed that currently work around the world Market size is approximately 422 Billion dollars, which 1 billion dollars in a very There was a little part of Marketplace online.
But the full ubiquity freelancer Extensive participation As a result of the outsourcing of increasingly popular field In addition to her becoming the field is on the rise too rapidly.
Else According to According to a popular Online Marketplace Elance 2012 of the first Around 2 million Post Jobs was more than But At present, it increased The first quarter of the year Reached 3 million. And at this implies that market size increases With the Participation the number of days is increasing.

And so that idea will be 2020 during the people of the whole world 1 in the online associated with the job market.

Technological development since happiness Like the whole world is his as part of our past Sonar Bangla I see glimpses of her. Some Days ago The IT sector Many were unaware of the ordinance whether the different the training received Sitting in the various Online marketplaces Works in income Thousands of dollars.

And thus they Financial conditions improve As well as another world our beloved country Bengali our favorite Motherland Bangladesh The image is bright. Since our country 2009 From freelancing At high tide and tide starts Our Just 3-4 away within the year of our Have brought honor to the Father Location. And so today, we have freelancing services Issuing country as one of the founders of honors Locations.

2013 January Information According to the World Two of the most popular online Marketplace Elance And around the world oDesk In 180 countries Among our Grades Freelancer Location 7th and 8th respectively. Moreover, if incomes look at If you see the world Nearly 170 countries Bangladesh in the 13th Position and income Almost eight point five Million or 85 million dollars.

Moreover, currently, Elance Marriage registered Freelancers nearly 60 Thousands of people around the 6 of the Freelancer Was added in 2013. Statistics Are have revealed that 2013 in total, about 22,097 Bangladeshi freelancers working under contract Where 2012 the number was only about 10.961.

Moreover, Elance dot Reduced to 2012 Bangladeshi freelancer in had revenues of about 16 million to 19 lakh of which 2013 has increased by almost 27 core 35 lakh. And at A thing Cleaning Bangladeshi freelancers freelancing world to understand how their Position Is more powerful.
Moreover Bangladeshi freelancer Better quality of work being Developed countries in the world Clients Bangladeshi freelancer per areas of work Whispers. Elance dots Reduced to the Bangladeshi freelancers working Including the United States are various countries around the world from clients.

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Works whose subjects These are: One These statistics show that Elance In Bangladesh Most of the work Freelancers know PHP has it's After the job list Things First They are at the HTML, respectively, WordPress, CSS, Social Media Marketing or S. MM, MySQL, Internet Marketing, Adobe Photoshop, Graphic Design Etc. Moreover, Android and iPhone apps becoming Development and too fast more popular.

Grades District-based development:

The International Due to ties, such as the country is very their products easily Unable to sell the online work in no particular Largely due Now anyone Space from freelancing Can be proved Can give them work efficiently.

And so today, just an Exclusive advanced country in the city Or not the district development work in balanced development through full county happening. And the Providing opportunities for a variety Kind Freelancing Marketplace Headlines. Causing a His own Career development Besides offering Unable to keep the National Development and others Organization Institutions Job Through his career That will build Mentality Change is happening and people today Self-reliant Itself can be made of Own Career.

although And so Earnings in slowly coming forward Fiction Outside of the district or the city of yet the most successful Freelancers Turns out the department Main cities. One According to the direction of earnings With grades Top 7 cities are covered, Khulna, Chittagong, Rajshahi, Bogra, Jamalpur, Sylhet Etc.

Freelancing career women promotion: 

All fixed now Men in the profession besides women Participants and there to develop talent Trying. One of the Citable example May our country Honorable Chief Of our country Speaker of the National Parliament. Else so today, the women's or a spatially enclosed Not so today among detainees they all cases of is a free surfing. Already, As a result, the world of freelancing there is no part of the deferred Women. One of Elance dot com the report found that technology Involved Official working women than to work online Opportunities for them to More are out.
Moreover, around the world Nearly 7,000 freelancer Conducted on a Survey Around 80 percent of the Guy Women in Technology Regarding the future of the Optimistic, though Yet many, However, they have the same Fees, And cannot Family encourages. And so today, if we in our country huge educated women Different kinds of opportunities Benefits associated with the ICT sector Can their Employment besides the Contribute to the economic development of will have the opportunity to.

To successfully do:

 We know no Key to success in Perseverance is the principle. And so Achievements to the world of freelancing Gain If you will be working active or right Following Directions Will. Our Many countries have seen the first is that they are very interested in Work without job skills is applied based, And the work Become wondering what to do. Else their case our Advice You work on you first Appropriate to the international Create standard way then apply for the job Please.

The case of you Professional freelancer you can help or a variety of online Tutorial Site Visits or market freelancing on the Tutorial to purchase the attention Do you see geometry for the effect can make. It is a reliable Tutorial Service provider The Al-Hera multimedia. Else So we say You have to first Fit for purpose Made by different Such buyer Contact with English Necessary for Gain debility And overall appropriate manner Or appropriate ways to work Please apply only to the success of the Receive with everyone having Thank you.

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